2008 Annual Meeting

2008 Annual Meeting, Bratislava

XXXVII. ELPIS Conference took place in Bratislava, 9th-10th May, 2008 with the presence of 23 participants from partner universities.
Recently more active period of teaching staff mobility within ELPIS network was discussed. One of the examples was J. Uguccioni´s (University of Durham) visit in Leibniz University.
The meeting also had a focus on acknowledgement of grades and credits, statistics, language courses at partner universities and other questions concerning student exchange.
The partners were encouraged to keep the academic staff exchange lively, because except the European Commission grants there turned out to be sources of co-financing on the side of ELPIS partner universities as well.
Process of introducing Bologna system in different member countries was disputed. Some countries, for instance, Netherlands, have introduced Bologna system into their education very well, meanwhile some other countries, for example, Greece, Germany or Austria, have been having a very slow process towards it.
The experiences of the partners towards the central and their local administration had been analyzed. Although some inconsistencies, such as improper signing of bilateral agreements had happened, most of the experiences remained positive.