ELPIS v-LAW Review No. 2/2021
«Through the Looking Glass: Law in Europe and America»
Editorial | Challenge
Invitation to the SEALS Annual Meeting 2021 – https://sealslawschools.org/
Editorial | Challenge
Vasco Pereira da Silva | University of Lisbon School of Law
Invitation to the SEALS Annual Meeting 2021
Patrick Hugg | Loyola University College of Law, New Orleans
General Approach
“Presidential Impunity and Constitutional, Political and Administrative Problems”
Mohamed Akram Faizer | Lincoln Memorial University Duncan School of Law
“How to defend democracy”
Francisco Balaguer Callejón | Universidad de Granada
“Matters of Democratic Transition: Administration Appointment in the US and the EU”
Dimitrios Parashu | Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz Universität Hannover
“Probable Cause/Mere Suspicion/Reasonable Grounds/Indicia of Suspicion” in the Breonna Taylor Search Warrant”
Melanie Reid | Lincoln Memorial University Duncan School of Law
“Attribution of knowledge to companies – a teaser”
José Ferreira Gomes | University of Lisbon School of Law
“Roots of Human Rights”
Cláudio Brandão | Faculdade Damas
“Three threats to the freedom of expression in the United States, seen ”
Pedro Lomba | University of Lisbon School of Law
Special Initiative: LINCOLN / ELPIS Lectures
«Constitution is Culture, Culture is Constitution. European and American Approach»
Vasco Pereira da Silva / Law Faculty of the University of Lisbon
“Embryo of an International Protection of Human Rights”
Marine Toullier | Université Rouen Normandie
LINCOLN / ELPIS Lectures: Complete Program
Joint Conference «“The European Union’s Extraordinary Measures facing the Actual Economic Crisis and the Difficulties of the Member States»
General Approach
Special Initiative – ELPIS / Lincoln Lectures
LINCOLN / ELPIS Lectures: Complete Program
Joint Conference “The European Union’s Extraordinary Measures facing the Actual Economic Crisis and the Difficulties of the Member States» (5th of February 2021) – available at http://www.elpisnetwork.eu/9730-2/
No.2 – March 2021
Professor Vasco Pereira da Silva | University of Lisbon Faculty of Law
Professor Rui Guerra da Fonseca | University of Faculty School of Law
Dr. Dimitrios Parashu | Leibniz University of Hannover
Editorial Board:
Professor Claas-Friedrich Germelmann | Leibniz University of Hannover
Professor Marine Toullier | University of Rouen Romandie
Professor Dovilė Gailiūtė-Janušonė | Mykolos Romeris University
Professor Gerhard Fiolka | University of Fribourg
Technical Coordinator:
Andreia Caeiro