ELPIS v-LAW Review No. 2/2021

«Through the Looking Glass: Law in Europe and America»

Editorial | Challenge


Invitation to the SEALS Annual Meeting 2021 – https://sealslawschools.org/ 


Editorial | Challenge
Vasco Pereira da Silva | University of Lisbon School of Law

Invitation to the SEALS Annual Meeting 2021
Patrick Hugg | Loyola University College of Law, New Orleans

General Approach

“Presidential Impunity and Constitutional, Political and Administrative Problems”
Mohamed Akram Faizer | Lincoln Memorial University Duncan School of Law

“How to defend democracy”
Francisco Balaguer Callejón | Universidad de Granada

“Matters of Democratic Transition: Administration Appointment in the US and the EU”
Dimitrios Parashu | Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz Universität Hannover

“Probable Cause/Mere Suspicion/Reasonable Grounds/Indicia of Suspicion” in the Breonna Taylor Search Warrant”
Melanie Reid | Lincoln Memorial University Duncan School of Law

“Attribution of knowledge to companies – a teaser”
José Ferreira Gomes | University of Lisbon School of Law

“Roots of Human Rights”
Cláudio Brandão | Faculdade Damas

“Three threats to the freedom of expression in the United States, seen ”
Pedro Lomba | University of Lisbon School of Law

Special Initiative: LINCOLN / ELPIS Lectures

«Constitution is Culture, Culture is Constitution. European and American Approach»
Vasco Pereira da Silva / Law Faculty of the University of Lisbon

“Embryo of an International Protection of Human Rights”
Marine Toullier | Université Rouen Normandie

LINCOLN / ELPIS Lectures: Complete Program

Joint Conference «“The European Union’s Extraordinary Measures facing the Actual Economic Crisis and the Difficulties of the Member States»

General Approach

Presidential Impunity and Constitutional, Political and Administrative Problems
Mohamed Akram Faizer
Lincoln Memorial University
Duncan School of Law

How to defend democracy
Francisco Balaguer Callejón
Universidad de Granada

Matters of Democratic Transition: Administration Appointment in the US and the EU
Dimitrios Parashu
Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz Universität Hannover

Probable Cause/Mere Suspicion/Reasonable Grounds/Indicia of Suspicion” in the Breonna Taylor Search Warrant
Melanie Reid
Lincoln Memorial University
Duncan School of Law

Attribution of knowledge to companies - a teaser
José Ferreira Gomes
University of Lisbon School of Law

Roots of Human Rights
Cláudio Brandão
Faculdade Damas

Three threats to the freedom of expression in the United States, seen by a European
Pedro Lomba
University of Lisbon School of Law

Special Initiative – ELPIS / Lincoln Lectures

Constitution is Culture, Culture is Constitution.
European and American Approach

Professor Vasco Pereira da Silva
University of Lisbon Faculty of Law

Embryo of an International Protection of Human Rights
Marine Toullier
Université Rouen Normandie

LINCOLN / ELPIS Lectures: Complete Program

Joint Conference “The European Union’s Extraordinary Measures facing the Actual Economic Crisis and the Difficulties of the Member States» (5th of February 2021) – available at http://www.elpisnetwork.eu/9730-2/


No.2 – March 2021

Professor Vasco Pereira da Silva | University of Lisbon Faculty of Law

Professor Rui Guerra da Fonseca | University of Faculty School of Law
Dr. Dimitrios Parashu | Leibniz University of Hannover

Editorial Board:
Professor Claas-Friedrich Germelmann | Leibniz University of Hannover
Professor Marine Toullier | University of Rouen Romandie
Professor Dovilė Gailiūtė-Janušonė | Mykolos Romeris University
Professor Gerhard Fiolka | University of Fribourg

Technical Coordinator:
Andreia Caeiro

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Channel ELPIS v-Law Review