ELPIS v-LAW Review No. 1/2020

«10 to 15 Minutes on: The effect of the “corona virus” in Global, European and National Law»

Presentation and challenge



Editorial — The Challenge
Vasco Pereira da Silva | University of Lisbon Faculty of Law

“EU Competences and Pandemic Response — An Overview”
Claas Friedrich Germelmann | Leibniz Universität Hannover

50 Cartoons for ELPIS
Francisco Balaguer Callejón | Universidad de Granada

The State of Health Emergency in France due to the Covid-19 and the Marginalization of Parliament
Sylvia Brunet | University of Rouen Normandie

The Criminal Law behind the Masks
Gerhard Fiolka | Universität Freiburg Rechtswissenschaftliche Fakultät

Public Procurement Procedures in Times of Pandemic
Maria João Estorninho | University of Lisbon Faculty of Law

Meteoric Change and Uncertainty — Our Dark 2020
Patrick R. Hugg | Loyola University College of Law, New Orleans

Four Short Notes and a Poem on Portuguese Environmental  Law in “State of Emergency”
Vasco Pereira da Silva | University of Lisbon Faculty of Law

Restrictions on Fundamental Rights in Germany in times of Corona
Arndt Künnnecke | German School for Public Administration

“State of emergency” and “situation of calamity”: blurring the legal conditions for fundamental rights restrictions
Rui Guerra da Fonseca | University of Lisbon Faculty of Law

EU State Aid Law – Necessity for a EU Regulation de eminentibus
Dimitrios Parashu | Leibniz University of Hannover

Some Thoughts on the Limitation of Freedom of Religion in the Context of the Covid Crisis
Miguel Assis Raimundo | University of Lisbon Faculty of Law

WHO is the global guardian of public health?
Elvin Evrim Dalkılıç | Bilkent University Faculty of Law, Ankara

The Competence of the Federal Council to Enact Criminal Law Provisions in the Covid19-Ordinance
Lukas Götti | Universität Freiburg Rechtswissenschaftliche Fakultät

V-Articles / V-Logs

“EU Competences and Pandemic Response — An Overview”
Claas Friedrich Germelmann
Leibniz Universität Hannover
50 Cartoons for ELPIS
Francisco Balaguer Callejón
Universidad de Granada
The State of Health Emergency in France due to the Covid-19 and the Marginalization of Parliament
Sylvia Brunet
University of Rouen Normandie
The Criminal Law behind the Masks
Gerhard Fiolka
Universität Freiburg Rechtswissenschaftliche Fakultät
Public Procurement Procedures in Times of Pandemic
Maria João Estorninho
University of Lisbon Faculty of Law
Meteoric Change and Uncertainty — Our Dark 2020
Patrick R. Hugg
Loyola University College of Law, New Orleans
Four Short Notes and a Poem on Portuguese Environmental Law in “State of Emergency”
Vasco Pereira da Silva
University of Lisbon Faculty of Law
Restrictions on Fundamental Rights in Germany in times of Corona
Arndt Künnnecke
Federal University of Applied Sciences for Public Administration (Germany)
“State of emergency” and “situation of calamity”: blurring the legal conditions for fundamental rights restrictions
Rui Guerra da Fonseca
University of Lisbon Faculty of Law
EU State Aid Law – Necessity for a EU Regulation de eminentibus
Dimitrios Parashu
Leibniz University of Hannover
Some Thoughts on the Limitation of Freedom of Religion in the Context of the Covid Crisis
Miguel Assis Raimundo
University of Lisbon Faculty of Law
WHO is the global guardian of public health?
Elvin Evrim Dalkılıç
Bilkent University Faculty of Law, Ankara
The Competence of the Federal Council to Enact Criminal Law Provisions in the Covid19-Ordinance
Lukas Götti
Universität Freiburg Rechtswissenschaftliche Fakultät


No.1 – September 2020

Professor Vasco Pereira da Silva | University of Lisbon Faculty of Law

Professor Rui Guerra da Fonseca | University of Faculty School of Law
Dr. Dimitrios Parashu | Leibniz University of Hannover

Editorial Board:
Professor Claas-Friedrich Germelmann | Leibniz University of Hannover
Professor Marine Toullier | University of Rouen Romandie
Professor Dovilė Gailiūtė-Janušonė | Mykolos Romeris University
Professor Gerhard Fiolka | University of Fribourg

Technical Coordinator:
Andreia Caeiro

ELPIS v-Law Review
Channel ELPIS v-Law Review