ELPIS v-LAW Review No. 1/2020
«10 to 15 Minutes on: The effect of the “corona virus” in Global, European and National Law»
Presentation and challenge
Editorial — The Challenge
Vasco Pereira da Silva | University of Lisbon Faculty of Law
“EU Competences and Pandemic Response — An Overview”
Claas Friedrich Germelmann | Leibniz Universität Hannover
50 Cartoons for ELPIS
Francisco Balaguer Callejón | Universidad de Granada
The State of Health Emergency in France due to the Covid-19 and the Marginalization of Parliament
Sylvia Brunet | University of Rouen Normandie
The Criminal Law behind the Masks
Gerhard Fiolka | Universität Freiburg Rechtswissenschaftliche Fakultät
Public Procurement Procedures in Times of Pandemic
Maria João Estorninho | University of Lisbon Faculty of Law
Meteoric Change and Uncertainty — Our Dark 2020
Patrick R. Hugg | Loyola University College of Law, New Orleans
Four Short Notes and a Poem on Portuguese Environmental Law in “State of Emergency”
Vasco Pereira da Silva | University of Lisbon Faculty of Law
Restrictions on Fundamental Rights in Germany in times of Corona
Arndt Künnnecke | German School for Public Administration
“State of emergency” and “situation of calamity”: blurring the legal conditions for fundamental rights restrictions
Rui Guerra da Fonseca | University of Lisbon Faculty of Law
EU State Aid Law – Necessity for a EU Regulation de eminentibus
Dimitrios Parashu | Leibniz University of Hannover
Some Thoughts on the Limitation of Freedom of Religion in the Context of the Covid Crisis
Miguel Assis Raimundo | University of Lisbon Faculty of Law
WHO is the global guardian of public health?
Elvin Evrim Dalkılıç | Bilkent University Faculty of Law, Ankara
The Competence of the Federal Council to Enact Criminal Law Provisions in the Covid19-Ordinance
Lukas Götti | Universität Freiburg Rechtswissenschaftliche Fakultät
V-Articles / V-Logs
No.1 – September 2020
Professor Vasco Pereira da Silva | University of Lisbon Faculty of Law
Professor Rui Guerra da Fonseca | University of Faculty School of Law
Dr. Dimitrios Parashu | Leibniz University of Hannover
Editorial Board:
Professor Claas-Friedrich Germelmann | Leibniz University of Hannover
Professor Marine Toullier | University of Rouen Romandie
Professor Dovilė Gailiūtė-Janušonė | Mykolos Romeris University
Professor Gerhard Fiolka | University of Fribourg
Technical Coordinator:
Andreia Caeiro