ELPIS v-LAW Review No. 7/2023

“The new world of Artificial Intelligence and the Law”

Editorial | Challenge

«”Her”: In love with an AI operating System»
Professor Vasco Pereira da Silva
Universidade de Lisboa

V-Articles / V-Logs

Human Dignity, algorithms and the Rule of Law – some reflections
Professor Rainer Arnold | Universität Regensburg

Ethics versus Law in the Regulation of Artificial Intelligence Ethics a la carte
Professor Raquel Brízida Castro | University of Lisbon

The European Union AI Act Proposal, seen through Paulo Coelho and Karl Kraus”
Professor Dimitrios Parashu | Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz Universität Hannover

The relationship between AI and Copyrights
Professor Marlon Lopez | Tecnológico de Monterrey

“Dee fake AI and artists’ employment contracts under the lens of the Greek Civil Code”
Prof. Dimitrios Devetzis | Frederick University

Public Liability when the Public Administration uses AI in the Decision-Making Process and Causes Damages to Particular Citizens
Dr. Maria Beatriz Rebelo Garcia | University of Lisbon[/vc_toggle][/vc_column][/vc_row]

V-Articles / V-Logs

"Human Dignity, Algorithms and the Rule of Law – some reflections"
Professor Rainer Arnold
Universität Regensburg (Germany)

"Ethics versus Law in the Regulation of Artificial Intelligence Ethics a la carte"
Professor Raquel Brízida Castro
University of Lisbon Faculty of Law (Portugal)

"The European Union AI Act Proposal, seen through Paulo Coelho and Karl Kraus"
Professor Dimitrios Parashu
Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz Universität Hannover (Germany)

"The relationship between AI and Copyrights"
Professor Marlon Lopez
Tecnológico de Monterrey (Mexico)

"Dee fake AI and Artists' employment contracts under the lens of the Greek Civil Code"
Professor Dimitrios Devetzis
Frederick University (Cyprus)

"Public Liability when the Public Administration uses AI in the Decision-Making Process and Causes Damages to Particular Citizens"
Dr. Maria Beatriz Rebelo Garcia
University of Lisbon Faculty of Law (Portugal)

"The Constitution of the Algorithm"
Professor Francisco Balaguer Callejon
Universidad de Granada (Spain)

"AI & Future of Legal Education"
Professor Arndt Künnecke
University of Applied Sciences for Public Administration in Brühl (Germany)


"Artificial Intelligence and its Consequence on Law Learning / Teaching / Researching"
ELPIS Annual Meeting and Conference
Faculty of Law - CY Cergy Paris University (France)


No. 7 – November 2023

Professor Vasco Pereira da Silva | University of Lisbon Faculty of Law

Professor Rui Guerra da Fonseca | University of Faculty School of Law
Dr. Dimitrios Parashu | Leibniz University of Hannover

Editorial Board:
Professor Claas-Friedrich Germelmann | Leibniz University of Hannover
Professor Marine Toullier | University of Rouen Romandie
Professor Dovilė Gailiūtė-Janušonė | Mykolos Romeris University
Professor Gerhard Fiolka | University of Fribourg

Technical Coordinator:
Andreia Caeiro

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Channel ELPIS v-Law Review